Books about the island tend to fall into two categories: firstly, scientific publications written by experts in their particular field, usually focusing on very specific topics within the Easter Island context; alternatively, the island is included as a small chapter at the end of a much larger and more commercial guidebook to either Chile or the South Pacific. For the average visitor to the island, the former is simply too much detailed information, while the latter is too general, and can never be expected to cover the island in sufficient detail to be of any real value.
A Companion To Easter Island has been written to bridge the gap between the two, and provide visitors with sufficient information to give a much clearer understanding of Easter Island and its unique culture. It contains information on every single significant archaeological site of Rapa Nui, and also includes the best times to visit each site, best light for photography and even the times to avoid coinciding with large tour buses. You’ll find suggested itineraries, maps of the town and the island, as well as up-to-date restaurant recommendations and additional activities.
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A selection of sample pages below give you an idea of the information included in the guidebook:
A Companion To Easter Island is currently available on Amazon in paperback (2018 edition) and on Kindle (2012 edition), as well as locally on the island. It has been translated and published in 6 additional languages: Spanish (Descubriendo Isla de Pascua), French (À La Decouverte de L’Ile de Pâques) German (Ein Begleiter Zur Osterinsel), Italian (Alla Scoperta Dell’isola Di Pasqua), Portuguese (Descobrindo A Ilha De Páscoa) and Japanese.